What is GemPages?
GemPages is a Shopify page builder that enables merchants to create custom, visually appealing store pages using a drag-and-drop interface without need for any level of coding skills.
The platform offers features like customizable templates, mobile optimization, A/B testing, and conversion-boosting elements with easy-to-use design tool and SEO optimization.
Why use this integration?
The integration between GemPages and Judge.me provides a straightforward way to add customer reviews to your online store, enhancing your website with social proof.
After installing the Judge.me app from the Shopify app store, you can easily incorporate Judge.me review widgets into your pages using the GemPages editor.
It is easy to use, and you don't need to be a tech expert to add reviews to your pages; the drag-and-drop nature of GemPages makes it simple.
By showcasing customer reviews, you can potentially increase your sales, and the variety of display options allows you to showcase your reviews in a way that best fits the design of your page.
This integration offers an easy way to enhance your online store with customer feedback, which helps build trust with buyers, potentially leading to increased sales. It's also quick and easy to implement, saving you time and effort if you're already using GemPages.